~The Story of Samuel's Mother~

If I could describe who was Hannah by reading 1 Samuel 1. She was weak woman but she was strong woman inside. She never stop begged to God for many years and asked Samuel. Faithful woman, she always believe in the God of Israel. She couldn't turn what Penninah did to her. She turned by sobbing unto God's throne.

I love reading this story, with a reason that I am just like her sometime hehe :p ( she won't eat when she was sad ) it's silly :D thing but I have no hunger when I am down.
7 This went on year after year. Whenever Hannah went up to the house of the LORD, her rival provoked her till she wept and would not eat. 8 Her husband Elkanah would say to her, “Hannah, why are you weeping? Why don’t you eat? Why are you downhearted? Don’t I mean more to you than ten sons?”
When life knocks me down nothing could do but come to Jesus, He who delivers all my pains. He is my Joy!

Back to Hannah, what have I learned from this blessed woman ?


She knows where should she come to pour out her souls.
God is the first place to me to come, He is my very present in time of need, even He knows me  well and my heart knows Him well. Telling my feeling to my family or friends makes me feel better but telling God what's my feeling will change everything. That is why, I come to Him, His presence is where my strength and joy come from. We are blessed ones, we can call, ask, and talk with Him anytime we need, we do not to have mobile phone, or internet connection to talk with Him, and worship keeps our hearts connected with Him. What a glorious Father. For I know He close to us when we are in affliction.
 The righteous person may have many troubles,
   but the LORD delivers him from them all; (Psalm 34 : 19)
God holds the universe, He holds everyone on earth. He who orchestra the whole universe. and Why are we to worried about life? why are we too worried about the future? He holds our every moment. Come to God, praise Him. Shaking His throne!

Having faithfulness heart is a heaven's asset in our lives to walk through this life. Through tears and joy, no matter what. Believing in God, life always has its ups downs and it would never change How good is the Lord. :)

Be blessed!


M. Raquel said…
Muy lindo tu blog! Dios te bendiga mucho. (Psalm 16:8). Un abrazo, Celeste.
M. Raquel said…
Hola Delvalina! Tú también tenés un blog que se llama¨homemaker-by-choice¨? O no sos tú la misma persona? Disculpá la pregunta pero no se si estoy confundida. Gracias. Dios te bendiga. Un abrazo, Celeste.
M. Raquel said…
Hola, ¿cómo estás? Vine a visitarte. Te dejo un abrazo. Psalm 32:8.
Aritha V. said…
I like this post. I don;t know ... but I think I will also writ about Hanna.

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