~DIY Bohemian Hair Jewelry and Its Meaning ~
Hello Friends,
I was trying to make Bohemian Hair Jewelry, it has been my obsession :). I asked my dad to find one for me when he was in trip to Israel. But unfortunately he couldnt find one for me. So I decided to make one for me.
In Bible tells the story about The Parable of the Lost Coin (Luke 15:8-10)
“Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins[a] and loses one. Doesn’t she light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.’ 1 In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”Hmm as I know the ten silver coins the woman wear them on head, which is mean that they're live in "purity" or virgin so how precious these ten coins for them ( it's tradition for Jewish girl )
"Jewish women often saved up ten of these coins and joined them together to form a necklace or hair dress which became a married woman’s treasured ornament, worn much like a wedding band is today, perhaps having been passed down from generation to generation. One missing coin would make the ornament essentially worthless. Regardless, the coin was extremely valuable to this woman, and the parable illustrates that value by the extent of her search for it".
click The meaning coins on the head.for more .
Since the first time I knew that story, then I started my obsession with bohemian hair jewelry how silly I am :D.
So let's get started
All that you need is
chains, the ornaments, and wire cutters.
Then you have to know what you want to look like on your head (your favorite).
you can search on google or search on Pinterest
I tried to make two first is on the first picture, and second is just simple :)
Once you know how it look like then you try to arrange that before you joined them all
oh don't forget to measure how long the chain for your head :)
this is for the first hair jewelry |
once you chain it all then finish. Easy right ? :)
So this is the second one
you only need ornaments on the back and front
just do with your own creation
just simple |
Sorry for the tutorial.
Have a blessed day everyone!
That hair jewelry was made for you, you look great! of course, your smile helps too :)
Have a good day!
Thank you so much for the article on the coins you sent! That was so awesome!!! You really went out of your way for me. I so appreciate it.
Can't wait to read it all:)
Much love!
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