~Birthday Treasure~

Tomorrow I will turn 23,God is wonderful in many ways. Indeed!

This picture is dedicated to Stephanie. Thank you so much sister they make me beautiful! :)

"What do you want most for your age?"
I still have dreams, my path is still long

All I want is Jesus.
Walk with Him
Talk to Him.
I need Him.
I need Him to teach me what dreams for if I catch it.
I need Him to hold my hands when I walk.
I want Him to take my boat and be captain of mylife.
It's all I need.
I want to please Him in all that I do.

"Oh Jesus,
Please now and forever I want you to be my treasure in mylife.
Let people don't know me instead You in me.
please...take my boat, I trust You"

My heart so grateful to everyone who remember my Birthday, thank you for the prayers, and love, and cards that you sent before the day comes. So my friends, here I want to share you my another birthday treasure.

For my Dearest and Darling sister Stephanie
You are my beloved treasure thank you so much for being my great sister and friend.
My heart loves you .
A handmade frame, and friend quote, isnt this beautiful?

A Handmade pillow, I just love how she decorated :)

Darling Headband :) 

amazing book 

For Mother Eileen 
You are such a sweet mother and glorious mother to Sean.
I never stop thinking of you and praying for you.

 I love the painted  butterfly and flowers it's just so darling darling


For my sister in Christ Brittany 
You are beautiful lady inside-out, each time I see "HOPE" it reminds me of you and Kari Jobe

For the Bracelet of Kari Jobe. I love it so much!!!

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28


I wish you a Happy Birthday, Dear Delvalina! I hope it was a beautiful celebration of your 23 years. You have dear friends and loved ones to give you such sweet gifts. Hugs to you, xoxo
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday to you :) I wish you the best, lovely 23 <3
Olga Rani said…
Happy Birthday, dear Delvalina! What lovely gifts you got from your friends. Have a nice day!
Anonymous said…
Aw, happy birthday! God bless you, my friend! :)
Libby said…
Oh sweet Happy Birthday wishes to you! I wish you blessings and many more wonderful years to come. xoxo
Nancy said…
Happy, Happy Birthday Delvalina! If I were there I'd give you a big birthday hug. I pray for you to have many more. You shine with the love of Christ!
Karen said…
Have a wonderful birthday, Delvalina! I believe you are like Mary of Bethany. You have chosen the best for your life - Jesus!
Sherri B. said…
A big Happy Birthday to you sweet Delvalina! You are such a blessing to everyone who knows you and Jesus does shine through you for sure.

I am praying that your 23rd year will be filled with all that God has chosen for you.

Much love to you, my friend. xxoo
Ceil said…
Hi Delvalina! Happiest of Birthdays to you!!

And I love Stephanie and her blog, you have given me a reason to love her even more :) What beautiful gifts. How blessed you are...

Beautiful post!
Laine said…
Happy Birthday, Delvalina!!! You are an amazing person and I'm so blessed to know you! Praying for you as always my sister. <3

With love,
R's Rue said…
Happy Birthday Eva!
Stephanie said…
Oh Sister, you make me cry tears of joy! I miss you, I miss you, I miss you! Did I mention that I miss you :) Happy Birthday (a day late), my precious friend and Sister in Christ - you are a beautiful treasure. I am thankful the Lord brought us together for you have become my best friend. You received so many special gifts and you have touched MANY lives, sweet Eva. Someday we will meet face to face, whether it is here on earth or in heaven :) I LOVE YOU!
Desarae said…
Happy late Birthday, Delvalina! You are a sweet and beautiful young woman, may God richly bless you in the year ahead and grant you the desires of your heart! Thank you for sharing your lovely gifts with us- the book Stephanie sent you is a great one...I read it years ago with two of my best friends and it was a blessing to all of us.
Debbie Harris said…
Happy Belated Birthday Sweet Delvalina!
You were blessed on your birthday!! What wonderful friends the Lord has brought into your life.
I marvel at your precious love for our Savoir. I just know the Lord has something beautiful planned for your life as you have honored Him greatly with your life and love for Him.
You are an inspiration to me as I walk with the Lord, thank you.

Much love and blessings to you and your family!
Denise said…
Such beautiful tributes to those You love.Enjoyed Your post-blessings be Yours-Denise
Denise said…
Happy birthday Sweet girl :)
Lynne said…
Your blog is filled with love and God's grace! Happy Birthday, Delvalina!
Arystha said…
hai kak eva (semoga gak salah)

makasih udah mampir ke blogku hehe. kakak ultah ya? happy birthday ya, Tuhan Yesus selalu menyertai :) aku juga ultah bulan agustus lho :D

aku suka blognya kak eva. sangat memberkati. kuharap kak eva bisa sharing lebih banyak lagi. can't wait for the next post! XD

salam hangat,
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday, Delvalina! I'm so glad I scrolled down before I clicked away from the page. Sorry I missed it. I wish you many blessings.
Since I won't be blogging for now, would you please stop by and forward me your mailing address. I'd love to mail you one of my prayer tags. Just click under my header on CONTACT.
Love and blessings to you.

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