~Through His lens~

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

(Hebrews 13:2 ESV)

It is written Through His Lens which means through God's lens or God's sight. Through His Lens is a page's name for Sean's works. It has meaning that God keep open the eyes to the things unseen.

 I'm here and posting this because I have been blessed by Sean's work to help people and esp when he's doing mission trip, he has been trying to reach other places to continue bless and serve people for God. So yes, I'm here to dedicate this post to him, one who inspired me and also has helped like 5 years ago, and now he has been one of my best friends.Some of you keep wondering who took some pictures on my blog, and they are  taken by him, and he dedicate all his photograph to the glory of God. That's one of things that makes me proud to be his best friend :)

I saw these pictures that taken by his friend and really touching me and put a smile on my face. He really has big heart for those beautiful Haitian people.

                                                               Source: Uploaded by user via Delvalina on Pinterest

I also want to share some of pictures that he took for this trip, and I pray that these pictures telling how God loves us.

And now as one of my dedication I would love to share his page with all of you. He needs a more view of his page through His lens in due to for one of his next projects to keep continue help people through his photograph. If you love and feel touched by his works. I need your support to spread out his works. With honor and humbly I would like that you grab this button as for your page or share any social network that you have. This all I can do besides pray for him. Thank you so much, and for all readers who get stop on my page and look around here I would love to invite you too.

<div align="center"><a href="http://www.throughhislens.com/" title="ThroughHisLens"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhKDvUnpRaAYdg6hoEm-e2jbXpMeODKtx6UnhmVBCshGupjRWh98J08TnVuF0glS6EHJNN6uJlrVW0VBZo4D9bCbpvtuwkO9almd49xaiQbstSO1HFX74JVOxS2iAWMgW8i8FJ6hj-kK9MP/s323/See_of_wonder_o22.jpg" alt="ThroughHisLens" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Heal my heart and make it clean 
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me

Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I go from nothing to 


Stephanie said…
My sweet, precious sister, thank you for sharing a little of Sean's work. The Lord is certainly using him as a vessel to these people. The pictures you shared spoke straight to my heart!

I will be praying for Sean and for you :) And I will gladly put his button on my blog.

Love to you, friend!
Magda said…
Hey my dear Delvalina <3
I am glad we meet again through here!! Who said that two people with some difference in what they like cannot be friends? I wish you a lovely weekend and glad that we talk!!! You are such a beautiful girl!! Blessed be and never question yourself ^^
Unknown said…
Fantastic photos! Thank you for sharing these with us. May God bless their ministry.

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