~The Greatest Treasure~

I've been sharing a lot with my parents, we talking about every blessing that God has made for us. How blessed  we are as a family in Christ Lord. His faithfulness never ceases for us. If I could count what He has done for me...all that I can say is my heart praises Him in grateful. Some friends figure out that life is being lovely because of their beloved ones,  some people are satisfied because they worked hard and could achieved their dreams, some people are happy because they have everything they want...but sure we will leave this world and its everything as we walk to eternity.

At night is a good moment for me to meditate my soul in His presence...at that moment is the time for me to bring my heart to Him and...." Oh, this life is just so beautiful...His faithfulness never ends"

When the sun is rising my tongue won't stop count His mercies, and when the sun is setting all His greatness calling me to worship.

~ How beautiful Thou art..~

Now, I figure out that my greatest treasure is when my heart knows Him well...

 Better is one day in your courts
    than a thousand elsewhere;
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
    than dwell in the tents of the wicked. ( Psalm 84:10)

Much Love,


Stephanie said…
Thank you for sharing this. I was so blessed and encouraged by everything you said. I especially liked this that you said, "When the sun is rising my tongue won't stop count His mercies, and when the sun is setting all His greatness calling me to worship."

A Sister in Christ,
Anonymous said…
nice post thanks for sharing..looking for to visit more..blessings
Delvalina said…
Thank you My simple reflection :)
I've been trying to open up your profile and try to reply you or visit your blog but it doesnt work. :)
May God fulfill with His rejoices and mercies and love,



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