Untitled but...Mom, I'll be home for Christmas...
Working in AIESEC and even being AIESECer is what I want since January this year and I got involved this September. I even prayed and asked God to give me this opportunity, and yeah! I did it, God worked it out :). I started to work in AIESEC in my University.
This is my third year in my college, and getting ready from International Relations bachelor and my focus is divided in two. This is the risk that I should take and I have thought before.
On November 25th I went with AIESEC Team for the International Youth Leadership Conference. I never expected before for this conference, many things I got from this conference, it pushed me to run and catch my dreams, I met many new friends and they are just like my new family. The conference spent 4 days. and I thanked God for that :). I love it even though I was pretty much tired and spent much money :D.
(me and my AIESEC team )
oh wait...did I told you before that how much I love Latin Countries?? No?! okay. So, I got in love with latin stuffs when many people said that my I am like latin girl even my name sounds like latin's one hehe :P but more that these, I met latin families and they are too awesome. I like theirs passions to God and they are too friendly, the most I love is my sister in Honduras Nicole Bravo, she and family have been sweet to me. I've been praying to go rounding the whole latin countries. This is look too gross huh? but I CANT deny it :)
So I met a man from Netherlands mr. Gerlof, he visited my orphanage about May or June and I got a chance to help him, lent him my computer, and I shared him all my dreams, my studies, what I am doing now, and he said that he is going to help me. so when he back to his country I got an email, he offered me to go to Guatemala next year...and I was WOW! at the first time when I read that. Then I arranged some documents for this, even I invest myself before doing this awesome chance, and I decided to get spanish course, me gusta espanol muchooo!!! jajajaja :D so I am taking my spanish course now.
Well, back to AIESEC,my first journey in AIESEC made me met a guy from Colombia, his name is Camilo, he works in AIESEC in Indonesia for the Expansion Team, he guides me and my friends to how to work, and developing our skills. I was so happy meet him at first time, he is the first Latin people that I met, I hope talk in spanish more with him but he is kinda clumsy in talking with new people..hmm I don't know to describe it but I tried to get him talk to me more, and I told him all about my Latin stories, but Camilo had no expressions for that except I said that I am going to Guatemala, and he said Guatemala is beautiful country. *_* jeje..estoy feliz de verte Camilo, I hope you know that! :)
( me con mi Colombiano hermano Camilo)
I believe God is in my life He is the One who orchestral my whole life. GOD, You are just amazing no matter what!!
AIESEC, my studies and my spanish course make me not be able to get home for 3 weeks...oh :( I promised before to my mom to decorating home before Christmas, but this is fourth day in December, I miss you Mom..I'll be home for Christmas...how much I miss her!
This is my third year in my college, and getting ready from International Relations bachelor and my focus is divided in two. This is the risk that I should take and I have thought before.
On November 25th I went with AIESEC Team for the International Youth Leadership Conference. I never expected before for this conference, many things I got from this conference, it pushed me to run and catch my dreams, I met many new friends and they are just like my new family. The conference spent 4 days. and I thanked God for that :). I love it even though I was pretty much tired and spent much money :D.
(me and my AIESEC team )
oh wait...did I told you before that how much I love Latin Countries?? No?! okay. So, I got in love with latin stuffs when many people said that my I am like latin girl even my name sounds like latin's one hehe :P but more that these, I met latin families and they are too awesome. I like theirs passions to God and they are too friendly, the most I love is my sister in Honduras Nicole Bravo, she and family have been sweet to me. I've been praying to go rounding the whole latin countries. This is look too gross huh? but I CANT deny it :)
So I met a man from Netherlands mr. Gerlof, he visited my orphanage about May or June and I got a chance to help him, lent him my computer, and I shared him all my dreams, my studies, what I am doing now, and he said that he is going to help me. so when he back to his country I got an email, he offered me to go to Guatemala next year...and I was WOW! at the first time when I read that. Then I arranged some documents for this, even I invest myself before doing this awesome chance, and I decided to get spanish course, me gusta espanol muchooo!!! jajajaja :D so I am taking my spanish course now.
Well, back to AIESEC,my first journey in AIESEC made me met a guy from Colombia, his name is Camilo, he works in AIESEC in Indonesia for the Expansion Team, he guides me and my friends to how to work, and developing our skills. I was so happy meet him at first time, he is the first Latin people that I met, I hope talk in spanish more with him but he is kinda clumsy in talking with new people..hmm I don't know to describe it but I tried to get him talk to me more, and I told him all about my Latin stories, but Camilo had no expressions for that except I said that I am going to Guatemala, and he said Guatemala is beautiful country. *_* jeje..estoy feliz de verte Camilo, I hope you know that! :)
( me con mi Colombiano hermano Camilo)
I believe God is in my life He is the One who orchestral my whole life. GOD, You are just amazing no matter what!!
AIESEC, my studies and my spanish course make me not be able to get home for 3 weeks...oh :( I promised before to my mom to decorating home before Christmas, but this is fourth day in December, I miss you Mom..I'll be home for Christmas...how much I miss her!
Thank you Jesus for my family that always support me in all I do, and dad, I will never forget all your words, they are always in my heart and my mind.." GOD MUST BE NUMBER ONE IN YOUR LIFE" that is his words before I start my career journey.